Handling Difficult and Demanding Situations

The purpose of this program is to provide all YOUR COMPANY service providers with tools and techniques for dealing with difficult and demanding situations at work, particularly those relating to servicing customers. Guidance will be provided on effective explanations and using interest-based problem solving in response to difficult work requests (from demanding internal or external customers). Opportunity will be provided for hands-on practice of these skills and sharing of best practices for handling irate/upset customers.


After completing this module participants should be able to:

  • Provide effective explanations to YOUR COMPANY customers
  • Effectively manage emotions and self-talk when dealing with an upset customer or difficult situation
  • Effectively problem solve customer issues by taking an “interest-based” problem-solving approach
  • Effectively handle irate/upset customers
  • Demonstrate the use of active listening skills in stressful situations
  • Apply a 5-step process for making risk-smart decisions (e.g., in situations that call for potentially making an exception to a rule)